The following is for guidance only
Who is responsible for repairs?
Hunters RBM are responsible for the communal areas, the structure, any shared services, and any external grounds.
Leaseholders are responsible for repairs within their own apartment or the services solely the flat (electricity, water).
I wish to report an issue.
You can report issues at your development by clicking here. Alternatively, if you wish to speak to a member of our team please contact the office on 01422 893 726.
I wish to make a payment.
If you have received an invoice you can pay it by clicking here. Alternatively, if you wish to speak to a member of our team please contact the office on 01422 893 726.
Whichever payment method you chose please ensure you state your own unique tenant code to ensure your payment is allocated fast against your account.
Can I have a pet?
If you would like to keep a pet in your dwelling, we would firstly advise you to check the terms of your lease. However, if this is not
clear, you will need to seek permission from your Property Manager. In your request you will need to include the type of animal you wish to house along with its age temperament and any other information you feel is pertinent to your request, this may include any plans for the animal whilst you are not at the property.
You should expect to hear of a decision within 10 working days of your request.
Please bear in mind any permission for a pet would include a clause for this permission to be revoked should the animal cause a nuisance.
What can I dispose of in the bin store?
Your bin store is a communal provision managed and maintained by us. The bin stores are only for the disposal of light domestic waste and recycling only. If you have any bulk items you would like to dispose of (for example: old electrical items, furniture) you should contact your Local Authority to determine where your nearest waste disposal/recycling depot is located.
How do I report problems of noise/nuisance within the building?
At the outset we ask residents to try resolve any issues directly with their neighbours. Should the problem
persist then we ask you to please keep a detailed log and contact your Local Authority’s Environmental Health Team. If they are unable to rectify this, please contact your Property Manager to discuss this further with a view to rectify this via the lease.
How is my Service Charge calculated?
Prior to any financial period we will present a budget to the client to sanction.
Within the budget we will include all services for the development along with compliance matters. We advise all our clients to build funds for long term projects, whether this be redecoration, roof works or any major repairs. This allows the budget to ‘flat line’ and even out peaks and troughs in Service Charge demands.
Once the budget is approved by the client, we then apply the apportionment detailed with your lease or TP1 which determines the amount due for each property.
I wish to make a complaint.
At the outset, please contact your Property Manager. Advise you wish to make a complaint and they will provide you with our Complaints Procedure. This will detail how the complaint will be handled and a route to satisfactory outcome.